Saturday, May 9, 2009

diet and me

Nothing is scary for an incurable foodie than the 2 'D' words. Diet and Diabetise. a few days ago, I was talking to a friend who happens to be a fitness instructor, he commented that every person should have 6 small meals in a day., unfortunately it was impossible for me to comprehend the words smal and meal in the same sentense, So having ended up with, 6 big meals the result of which can be seen by everyone, even simple comments like 'hey man you seems to be doing well' or 'yaar what did you have for lunch' or 'should we take the life' started sounding full of sarcasm.
And so started the my miserable effort to loose weight, and I started going to the biggest ripe off ever GYM. I mean seriously they actually charge you for lifting weights!!!!!
and the people who say that only the first week is tough, and just some big fat lairs, who probably eat nothing and hence get away with just standing in the gym. The process of losing that chubby tummy is as painful as the gaining process was enjoyable.
Any ways I have ended up with lossing about 4 Kgs till date out of the 11 that I have targeted.....